
Dune HD Pro 8K Plus

Auf Lager (bitte beachten Sie die Lieferzeiten)
Lieferzeit ca.: 1-2 Werktage

Normaler Verkaufspreis 329,00 €
Sie sparen 6 %
Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand ins Ausland
Deutschlandweit ist kostenfrei
Versandgewicht: 1,5 kg

DUNE HD Pro 8K Plus - der 8K-DuneHD-Mediaplayer der neuen Generation


Dune HD Max Vision 4K ist ein Premium 8K Dolby Vision & HDR10+ Media Player mit Android 11,
8+64 GB memory, 1Gbit, WiFi6linear PSU, TCXO, Hi-Fi digital audio, advanced hardware,
High-End video quality, 8K, AV1, YouTube 8K HDR, Dolby Vision VS10, HD audio, ISO 4K DV P7 FEL, AFR


New flagship line of Dune HD 8K models (next generation after RTD1619DR models)

High-End video quality, 8K, AV1, YouTube 8K HDR, Dolby Vision VS10, HD audio, ISO 4K DV P7 FEL, AFR.

Dune HD - Seite:

Dune HD Firmware:

Dune HD BackUp (Sicherung und Wiederherstellung):


  • Dieser Mediaplayer eignet sich hervorragend für die Wiedergabe von Hi-End-Medien von der Festplatte oder dem NAS.
  • Die Unterstützung von Android-Apps und Streaming-Diensten ist eine nicht primäre Funktion ohne garantierte Kompatibilität.
    Keine vollständige/offizielle Netflix-Unterstützung. Keine Netflix 4K-Unterstützung (weitere Details finden Sie hier).


Komplette Beschreibung von Dune HD

Die neue 8K-Flaggschiff-Reihe basiert auf dem neuesten Spitzen-Medienprozessor S928X, bietet volle 8K-Unterstützung, sehr leistungsstarke Hardware und eine Reihe weiterer Vorteile.
Gleichzeitig behält dieses Lineup die wichtigsten Funktionen der RTD1619DR-Modelle (außer BD3D) bei.
Höchste Bildqualität, Dolby Vision VS10-Technologie, volle Unterstützung für alle HD-Audioformate, erweiterte Dolby Vision-Wiedergabeunterstützung, volle Menüunterstützung.

  • 8K ist ein Videoformat der nächsten Generation mit viermal mehr Pixeln als 4K. Das 8K-Format bietet das bestmögliche Seherlebnis und liefert ein wirklich flüssiges und scharfes Bild. Der Media Player unterstützt sowohl die 8Kp60 HDR-Videodekodierung als auch die 8Kp60 HDR-Videoausgabe. Der Media Player kann 8K-Inhalte auf eine beliebige Auflösung herunterskalieren und beliebige Inhalte auf 8K hochskalieren. YouTube 8K HDR wird unterstützt
  • Dune HD Pro 8K Plus ist mit einer sehr leistungsstarken CPU und GPU ausgestattet. Die CPU umfasst vier 2,0-GHz-ARM-A55-Kerne, einen 1,9-GHz-ARM-A76-„großen“ Kern (mit sehr hoher Leistung) und einen zusätzlichen Kern für Systemanforderungen. Dadurch ist die Prozessorleistung 2x besser als beim RTD1619DR. Die GPU wurde auf Mali G57 aufgerüstet. In Kombination mit dem ultraschnellen LPDDR4X-RAM und der ultraschnellen eMMC sorgt dies für eine blitzschnelle Gesamtsystemleistung. Der Antutu-Gesamtscore übersteigt 300.000 Punkte und ist damit deutlich höher als bei Mediaplayern der vorherigen Generation
  • Der fortschrittliche Dolby Vision VS10-Videoverarbeitungsmotor gewährleistet maximale Bildqualität bei der Wiedergabe jeder Art von Inhalten (SDR, HDR, Dolby Vision) mit jeder Art von Videoausgangssignal (SDR, HDR, Dolby Vision). Insbesondere verbessert er die Qualität der Konvertierung zwischen Dolb Visio, HDR und SDR. Dies bietet auch dann Vorteile, wenn der Media Player mit Fernsehgeräten verwendet wird, die Dolb Visio nicht unterstützen, einschließlich Plasmafernsehern, und insbesondere bei der Verwendung von Projektoren
  • Dolby Vision wird für alle gängigen Formate unterstützt. Alle gängigen Dolby Vision-Profile werden unterstützt. Der Media Player unterstützt die größte Anzahl von Dolby Vision-Dateiformatvariationen aller anderen Media Player-Modelle
  • Dune HD Pro 8K Plus unterstützt die direkte Wiedergabe von Dolby Vision Mel- und Fel-Strukturen. Die verbesserten Dolby Vision-Informationen werden genutzt und an das Fernsehgerät übertragen, um die Bildqualität zu verbessern. Dies ist dank der von den Dune HD-Ingenieuren entwickelten Video-Wiedergabe- und Ausgabe-Engine möglich
  • Der Mediaplayer kann alle HD-Audioformate (bis hin zu Dolby TrueHD und DTS X) im End-to-End-Bitstream-Modus an HDMI ausgeben. Der Mediaplayer kann Musikdateien in hoher Qualität abspielen und Audio über HDMI und S/PDIF ausgeben, wobei die ursprüngliche Abtastrate beibehalten wird. Es werden Abtastraten von 44,1 bis 192 kHz unterstützt
  • Der S928X-Prozessor ist ein sehr leistungsstarker Prozessor. Er erfordert eine sehr effiziente Kühlung, um die Leistung zu maximieren, ohne die Geschwindigkeit zu beeinträchtigen. Der Media Player nutzt den besten Ansatz zur passiven Kühlung, indem er das gesamte Metallgehäuse als riesigen Kühlkörper verwendet. Die Wärme wird durch ein spezielles Wärmeübertragungselement sehr effizient vom Prozessor direkt an das Metallgehäuse übertragen




Key Features


New line of cutting edge 8K media players from Dune HD

  • The new flagship 8K line is based on the newest top S928X media processor, has full 8K support, very powerful hardware and various other advantages. At the same time, this line keeps the most important features of RTD1619DR models (except BD3D). Top picture quality, Dolby Vision VS10 technology, full support for all formats of HD audio, advanced support for playback of Dolby Vision files, support for full menu in ISO images and disc structures.

Replacement for famous Real Vision 4K models

  • This model can be used as a replacement for the discontinued Real Vision 4K and Real Vision 4K Plus models. This model has almost all features of Real Vision 4K models except support for the outdated BD3D technology. Besides, this model also has various advantages over Real Vision 4K models: AV1 codec, more flexible video zoom possibilities, decoding of any HD audio formats to multichannel PCM, support for 20TB+ HDDs, bigger 64GB storage space, bigger 8GB RAM, CPU and GPU with better performance, newer Android 11, and other improvements.

Hi-End S928X media processor with 8K, AV1, VS10

  • The media player uses the Hi-End version of the newest S928X media processor with Dolby Vision VS10 engine. It is the most powerful and the most advanced media processor from Amlogic. It gives outstanding picture quality, supports true 8Kp60 decoding and true 8Kp60 output, includes the new AV1 video codec, and has top performance overall.

Full 8K video support

  • 8K is a next generation video format, which offers 4 times as many pixels than 4K. 8K format gives the most immersive viewing experience and delivers a truly smooth and crisp image. The media player supports both 8Kp60 HDR video decoding and 8Kp60 HDR video output. The media player can downscale 8K content to any resolution and upscale any content to 8K resolution. YouTube 8K HDR is supported.

AV1 video codec

  • The media player supports the new AV1 video codec, which helps to get up to 50% video quality improvement without increasing video bitrate (or requires up to 50% lesser bitrate for the same video quality). This new video codec is already used by YouTube and will be increasingly important for compatibility with various video services and content sources.

Top performance

  • The media player has a very powerful CPU and GPU. The CPU includes four 2.0 GHz ARM A55 cores, a "big" 1.9 GHz ARM A76 core (with very high performance), and also an extra core for system needs. The resulting CPU performance is up to 2x more than in RTD1619DR. GPU has been upgraded to Mali G57. Combined with super-fast LPDDR4X and super-fast eMMC, this gives blazing fast overall system performance. Total Antutu score exceeds 300,000 points, which is significantly more than in the previous generation media players.

8 GB operating memory

  • This huge amount of operating memory gives the best performance even in the most heavy use cases. 64-bit Linux kernel allows the efficient use of 8 GB RAM for caching of system and apps code and data. Apps launch, run and switch quicker. More memory can be used for graphics caching, which further improves the performance of the user interface.

64 GB flash memory

  • A giant storage space for the most heavy apps, for system needs (such as storage of movie posters), and for internal storage which can be used for any purpose. For example, you can store media files in the internal storage and even share them to the local network via the built-in SMB file server.

Dolby Vision and HDR10+

  • The media player supports not only HDR technology, but also the most latest and advanced Dolby Vision and HDR10+ technologies. In conventional HDR technology, the brightness range is set at the beginning of the film and does not change during the film, so completely dark and completely bright scenes may have insufficient detail. In the latest Dolby Vision and HDR10+ technologies, the brightness range can vary from frame to frame, so the maximum picture detail is provided even in scenes that contain only dark or only light elements.

Dolby Vision VS10 video processor

  • The advanced Dolby Vision VS10 video processing engine ensures maximum image quality when playing any type of content (SDR, HDR, Dolby Vision) with any type of video output signal (SDR, HDR, Dolby Vision). In particular, it improves the quality of conversion between Dolby Vision, HDR, and SDR. This gives benefits even when using the media player with TVs that do not support Dolby Vision, including Plasma TVs, and especially when using projectors.

Dolby Vision profile 7 FEL

  • The media player supports direct playback of Dolby Vision profile 7 FEL double-track and double-layer files. This is the most advanced Dolby Vision format. The media player plays video in this format using both tracks/layers. The important Dolby Vision information from the second track/layer (Dolby Vision RPU metadata) is transmitted to TV together with video data from the first track/layer. The passed video data uses 10-bit color depth - the maximum color depth supported by OLED-panels in OLED TVs, i.e. this fully uses the capabilities of OLED TVs. Combined with the full use of Dolby Vision metadata this gives an excellent Dolby Vision picture on the TV screen.

Widest support for Dolby Vision file formats

  • Dolby Vision is supported for all popular file formats (MKV, MP4, TS, M2TS, ISO, movie folder structure). All popular Dolby Vision profiles (P5, P7 MEL and FEL, P8) are supported. The media player supports the largest number of variations of Dolby Vision file formats of any other media player.

Playback of Dolby Vision ISO/folder structures

  • The media player supports direct playback of movie ISO/folder structures in Dolby Vision format (MEL and FEL). The extended Dolby Vision information is used and transmitted to the TV to improve the picture quality. This is possible due to the unique video playback and output engine created by Dune HD.

Full support for HD audio

  • The media player can output all formats of HD audio (up to Dolby TrueHD and DTS X) to HDMI in bitstream passthrough mode. Additionally, the media player can decode all formats of HD audio to multichannel PCM (up to 7.1 channels).

Audio playback with original sample rate

  • The media player can play high-quality music files and output audio to HDMI and S/PDIF preserving the original audio sample rate. Sample rates from 44.1 to 192 kHz are supported.

Entire case as a heatsink for super-efficient silent cooling

  • The S928X processor is a very powerful processor. It needs very efficient cooling to achieve the maximum performance without any speed down. The media player implements the best passive cooling approach, which uses the entire metal case as a huge heatsink. Heat is very efficiently transferred from the processor directly to the metal case via a special heat transfer element.

Android 11

  • For Android applications, the media player uses a modern Android version 11. This increases system performance and gives improved compatibility with the newest Android apps.


Other key advantages over competitors

Best-in-class movie ISO/folder structure playback

  • Dune HD media players have the best-in-class support for playback of movie ISO/folder structures, including full support for disc menu, 4K, DV, HDR10+, HDR10, HD audio. Movie ISO/folder structures can be played from any source - local drive (USB) or network drive (SMB, NFS). A special engine helps to ensure smooth playback of the entire movie w/o any audio/video interruptions even when playing movies with complicated structure.

Automatic framerate/resolution switching

  • The media player can automatically switch output framerate and resolution to match the played content. This helps to ensure absolutely smooth video playback and use the best way for video resolution upscaling (resolution upscaling by the media player or by the TV).

Flicker-free framerate/resolution switching

  • Dune HD media players implement its own advanced flicker-free approach for automatic framerate and resolution switching, which performs video mode switching before the start of file playback (rather than after). Most other media players perform video mode switching after the start of file playback, which causes unpleasant flickering.

Multichannel DSD and other advanced music formats

  • You can play music in various advanced formats, including multichannel FLAC, WavPack, APE, ALAC and even multichannel Super Audio CD (SACD). SACD music files, encoded using the advanced DSD audio codec, are supported in all popular formats (ISO, DFF, DSF), including both stereo and multichannel files, including files which use the DST compression. Multichannel DSD files can be output to HDMI as multichannel PCM. Stereo DSD files can be output to HDMI and S/PDIF as stereo PCM.

Widevine L1 for premium video services

  • Support for Widevine Level 1 DRM (the most advanced DRM level) makes it possible to watch premium online video services with HD and Ultra HD video quality. Media players w/o Widevine Level 1 support can only output low quality (standard definition) video in many such services.

Optimized OS

  • Since the media player does not have Google Android TV certification, the operating system in the media player is optimized to eliminate the unneeded burdens and limitations. In particular, the media player does not create unneeded Android folders on connected HDDs, system performance is not decreased by Android indexing files on the connected HDDs, and so on.

Dune HD Android Playback Accelerator technology

  • This unique technology intellectually manages the resources of Android OS to minimize the influence of Android OS on the media playback engine and ensure smooth and high-quality video and audio playback.

Linux-based Dune HD OS

  • The media player runs a unique hybrid OS which consists of a Linux-based Dune HD OS (to ensure stable operation and smooth media playback) and Android OS (to support Android applications), which run simultaneously.

Dune HD ecosystem

  • Based on open Dune HD SDK and APIs, various TV-optimized applications, plugins, extensions, GUI skins, collection management solutions, integrations with home automation systems are available via official Dune Store, 3-party vendors, and from the huge user's community.

Dune HD UI

  • The famous Dune HD UI, developed and polished during more than 12 years, specially optimized for the use on TV screens and operation via a standard remote control, tuned for the best possible usability, makes it easy and convenient to use the media player.

Dune HD movies organizer and movies encyclopedia

  • “My Collection” function organizes a user's movie collection into a nice looking catalog. A comprehensive movies encyclopedia provides the information about hundreds of thousands of movies with detailed descriptions, posters, cross-links between movies and persons, trailers, direct links to online video services, etc. The advanced file browser automatically recognizes movies.

Dune HD mobile app

  • The unique Dune HD mobile app (Dune Control) for iOS and Android mobiles devices provides full access to all functions of Dune HD media player in a very convenient and powerful way. It fully replaces the standard IR remote control, allows browsing and choosing the media content directly on your mobile device (the menu shown on the mobile device mirrors the menu shown on the TV screen), and includes Now Playing section for convenient media playback control.

Smart home

  • The media player provides the powerful IP Control interface and has a lot of options for integration into Smart Home and Home Automation systems, such as Control4 and Crestron.

Proven history of software updates during a very long period

  • Dune HD is known for its reputation to listen to user's feedback and provide software updates for many years. For example, for some old models, software updates with additional functions have been provided for more than 10 years already. This is possible due to the unique "single code base" approach, which means that firmware for all Dune HD models is based on the same software (continuously developed and improved according to user's feedback).


Other key features

1 Gbit Ethernet

  • Ensures fast data transfer and smooth playback of high bitrate video when using a wired connection to the home network.

Built-in Bluetooth

  • The built-in Bluetooth interface allows you to easily connect various remote controls, wireless keyboards, mice, joysticks, audio speakers, headphones, headsets and other devices.

Bluetooth remote with microphone, IR learning and AirMouse.

  • The included Bluetooth remote controls the media player via a radio channel, includes a microphone (for voice search in applications which support it), and has IR learning function (allows you to configure the remote control to control not only a media player, but also a TV or other equipment). The AirMouse function allows convenient control of Android applications not optimized for controlling via a conventional remote.

IR control

  • The media player has the built-in IR receiver and can be controlled also by IR commands. This means you can use a 3-party programmable or learnable remote of your choice to control the media player, or integrate the media player with your smart home via IR. For example, you can integrate the media player with a smart speaker by using an IR emitter device controlled by the smart speaker.

Front panel display

  • During file playback, the display shows the current playback position. Also it can show the current time. Display mode can be adjusted in the menu.



Produkt Hinweis Status Preis
Fernbedienung DuneHD/KartinaTV (Logo DUNE HD) Fernbedienung DuneHD/KartinaTV (Logo DUNE HD)
18,95 € *
Versandgewicht: 0,2 kg
Preise inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand ins Ausland
Deutschlandweit ist kostenfrei
Details zum Zubehör anzeigen

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